astrologic methaphor of last supper

Overview_summary_abstract, introduction with further links

      - english translation by (free version) and me - still under construction! - to the german original text

17.10. - 25.11.2024 Texts and image detail decorations by Martin Lindemann, linked for Yule-Christmas-pdf


The day you truly accept yourself, new horizons will open up to you and a melody never heard before will reach your ears.’ From the autobiographical novel The Dream Healer by Prof Hernán Huarache Mamani, Peru; shaman, cultural scientist, co-founder of the I.N.C.A Institute. 

...A message as healing as that of the Star of Bethlehem, which was followed by wise magicians from Babylon?


Welcome to the prologue here - in ge. 

Let's start by saying this: Jesus' wisdom and parables, as conveyed in the Bible (complete and unadulterated?), appear for the most part to be highly vocal. But perhaps what is missing here and there is an equally attentive inclusion of the women's perspective at eye level? It's like the parable with the splinter in the eye of the other and the beam in one's own eye: not every (individually different) view would always be able to easily look beyond its own ‘edge of the plate’(?)


And yes, whoever wants to, or for whom it is more personally harmonious, may continue to believe in (his or her) orthodox or atheistic path. Just as Martin Luther, for example, had a rather ‘orthodox-affine’ birth chart. But ultimately, we should allow children, partners and friends to make their own decisions in the same ‘civilised’ way as we do for ourselves! And we should always be happy to remain a role model in our actions that nevertheless freely respects the other person... Well, according to the Gnostic- Christopagan interpretation, we ourselves are a mirror image of the complexly interwoven Hellenistic (archetypes) ‘gods within us’ at eye level. In our individually different ‘star’ souls.   Keywords Hellenism (wiki) or Hellenistic religion (wiki) in an equally Alexandrian form.

Mt 6,10: ‘...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. A Jesuan phrase in the Lord´s Prayer Our Father/Mother also in

 the sense of Bethlehem's star magic ... or Jung's archetypal/ astrological
synchronicity? ... Jung's Red book -en- 

The birth of Jesus according to Matthew 2 shows the dawning of the long awaited new Piscean age of mystical-metaphysical ‘redemption’. According to the Gnostic view, Jesus' birth represents the birth of all of us as a child/children of the sun within our native planetary system. With a highly individualised birth chart - who wants it? With all its light and dark sides, always🌀 


...The number of the ‘3’ wise magi of the star of Bethlehem still was 12 - before the ‘orthodox’ Trinitarian church writer Origen of Alexandria (mentioned only in ge. or before the Council of Nicaea Syrian-Arian. Both in the newer Jungian-psychological sense and in the Renaissance understanding of the zodiacal archetypes; also included are the comforting ‘12’ angel archetypes. Especially in the picture/excerpts: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci - ge, as well as Mark 14, verse 13 in the New Testament. 

The archaeoastronomer Dieter Koch explains the magi in Matthew 2 as both Zoroastrian dream interpreters and Chaldean-Babylonian astrologers. How they made prophecies in antiquity, similar to the Hellenistic oracle of Delphi. And sometimes even based them on older prophecies. A magical world view that was increasingly branded as heresy or Catharism in late antiquity during the Roman-Christian persecution of pagans. It did not begin with the brutal murder of the last female Neoplatonic philosopher Hypatia. By a Christian mob instigated by the early Orthodox church doctrine of Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria


This later led to the ethno/femicide of a persecution of indigenous-believing witches/shamans & pagan heathens in the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ World, after Luther's Mosaic witchcraft sermon (de-ge cf. Exodus 22:17; and Deuteronomy 12:29). (...especially in the Archbishopric of “Kur”Cologne - ge-de; or Salem, the Indian wars.) The ancient view of a divinely understood, heavenly Venus (m/f) as the Star of Bethlehem (Dieter Koch) was fought against in the same way. She, as the bringer of morning light/lucifer within an astrological, gnostic-"animistic ’*) world, no longer fitted into the more orthodox Jewish-Christian dogma of faith. Symbols of a mythological Venus are the 5-pointed pentagram and the Venus flower, described in ‘Venus, Mary Magdalene, and the Re-emerging Sacred Feminine’ by Emily Trinkaus. 

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